411 research outputs found

    Tracing the Creative Influence of Samuel Beckett’s ‘Psychology Notes’: The ‘Three Novels’ and Krapp’s Last Tape

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    Sammendrag Avhandlingens hovedargument er at notatkorpuset om psykologiske og spesielt psykoanalytiske emner som Samuel Beckett utarbeidet i 1934-1935 mens han var i terapi hos Wilfred Bion representerer en sentral og vedvarende innflytelse på hans litterære verk. Den umiddelbare anvendelsen av disse psykologinotatene i arbeidet med romanen Murphy er velkjent, men avhandlingen gjennomgår denne opprinnelige kreative bruken på nytt for å vise hvordan Beckett etablerer en form for parodisk overdrevet bruk av det lærebokaktige språket i mange av kildene som han hentet sine notater fra. Dette indikerer en kritisk avstandstagen fra psykoanalysen som disiplin, som også førte til en plutselig avslutning av det terapeutiske forholdet til Bion in 1935. De to første kapitlene i avhandlingen diskuterer konteksten for komposisjonen av psykologinotatene og diskuterer en rekke kreativt sentrale tematikker for Beckett. En ledetråd for diskusjonen er at Becketts tilnærming til det psykoanalytiske lærebokspråket fungerte både tiltrekkende og motstandsgivende for ham som forfatter. På den ene siden finner vi både i Becketts tekster og i psykoanalysen en fascinasjon for det avskyvekkende, mens på den annen side kan vi spore hos Beckett en bevisst motstand mot psykoanalysens forpliktelse til å søke mot helbredelse, kontroll og meningsfullhet. Becketts tekster iscenesetter en avvisning av det psykoanalytiske språket som et feilslått medium for å skrive om selvet, gjennom sin ironiske undergraving av psykoanalysens kognitive, autoritetsbaserte og terapeutiske utgangspunkt. Implikasjonene av dette utvikles i avhandlingen gjennom en nærlesing av romanene Molloy, Malone meurt/Malone Dies and L’Innommable/The Unnamable, og det korte teaterstykket Krapp’s Last Tape. I denne lesningen behandles Becketts psykologinotater som genetisk kildemateriale som fortsatt ble anvendt kreativt lenge etter de opprinnelig ble komponert. Avhandlingen tar utgangspunkt i en mest mulig empirisk etterprøvbar og manuskriptgenetisk tilnærming til kildene, med utstrakt bruk av Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project og andre arkivressurser som støtte for sin argumentasjon. Men et pragmatisk forhold til behandlingen av tekstlig innflytelse som går utover det som kan føres sikre bevis for er også nødvendig, for en viss grad av usikkerhet er umulig å unngå. Likevel fastslår avhandlingen at en nylesning av disse verkene av Beckett med utgangspunkt i hans egne psykologinotater kan både utvide og korrigere fokuset i den eksisterende faglitteraturen. Videre har det kritiske fokuset og opptreningen som denne avhandlingen presenterer også et potensiale til å kunne generere en ny litteraturkritisk tilnærming til alle verkene i Becketts karriere som ble skrevet etter psykologinotatene.Abstract This study argues that the corpus of notes on psychological and especially psychoanalytic topics composed by Samuel Beckett in 1934-1935 during his therapy with Wilfred Bion represents a crucial and continuous creative influence on his literary work. While the immediate use of the ‘Psychology Notes’ in the writing of Murphy is well established, it is revisited here to suggest that this initial creative deployment is characterized by a parodic over-indulgence in the ‘textbook’ language of the sources Beckett was drawing on. This indicates a critical distancing from the discipline of psychoanalysis that also manifested itself in a sudden disruption of his therapy with Wilfred Bion in 1935. Drawing on the original context of the composition of the Notes, and developing a taxonomy of creatively important themes for Beckett, the first two chapters of the thesis trace a formative attraction-repulsion ambivalence in Beckett’s approach to the use of psychoanalytic textbook language in his writing. On the one hand, there is a shared obsession with ‘abjection’ between Beckett’s texts and the discipline of psychoanalysis, whereas on the other, the commitment to cure, control and meaning in psychoanalysis is being resisted in Beckett’s texts. Beckett’s later texts stage the rejection and failure of the psychoanalytic language as medium of writing the ‘self’ by ironically subverting its cognitive, authoritative and therapeutic purposes. This argument is developed through detailed close readings of the ‘Three Novels’ (Molloy, Malone meurt/Malone Dies and L’Innommable/The Unnamable) and the short play Krapp’s Last Tape, treating the ‘Psychology Notes’ as genetic source material that continued to be actively deployed long after its initial composition and creative impact. While the thesis is based on an empirical, genetic approach, making extensive use of the Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project and other archival sources, its approach is also pragmatic in its approach to influence, recognizing that conclusive evidence of intertextual relationships is not always possible to establish. Nonetheless, re-reading these Beckett works with the Notes to hand can both expand upon and correct the emphases of previous scholarship on these texts. Ultimately, the critical focus and training provided by this thesis is therefore intended to provide a scholarly tool for re-engaging all of Beckett’s post-Notes work.Doktorgradsavhandlin

    An Alternative Formulae for the Net Present Value (NPV)

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    An alternative formulae is derived for NPV. First, the equivalence of NPV formulae and the value of a special portfolio is shown and weights of special portfolio is derived by minimizing the variance of portfolio

    A Note on Monitoring Fuzzy Financial Returns

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    This paper presents change point analysis for stock market time series where it is assumed the rate of return on securities is approximated as LR-fuzzy numbers. We consider the change point detection in the mean and variance of returns. The methods are proposed and their theoretical aspects are studied. A real data set is also considered. Finally, a conclusion sectionis given

    Repeated Games in the Presence of Incomplete Information

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    There are many strategic situations at which a game theoretical framework should be used to analyze the equilibrium decisions at which the incomplete information annoy the process of deriving the certain rules for making decisions. In these cases, players use signals of each other\u27s to get proper decisions. For example, in economic environment, some macro-economic latent variables induce incomplete information. Morris and Shin (2000) referred this type of game as global game and studied one-shot type of it. However, in practical situations, it is a type of repeated game. In the current paper, following notations of Morris and Shin (2000), repeated games in the presence of incomplete information are studied. Using stochastic approximation technique for M-estimation of latent variable, the learning phenomenon is observed. Financial applications of proposed problem is presented. Finally conclusions are given

    A Note on IIR Filters with Random Parameters

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    The infinite impulse response (IIR) filter of an AR(1) process is studied under a random parameter assumption. The statistical properties of the random transfer function arederived. Stochastic process modeling is also considered. Finally, a conclusion section is given

    Multiple Change Points Detection in the Mean of Observations with Time Varying Variances: An MCMC Approach

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    Abstract. This paper is concerned with multiple change points detection inthe mean of observations with time varying variances. The posterior distributionis estimated using a MCMC method and the hyper-parameters are estimatedvia SAEM algorithm. The simulation results are also given.Keywords: Change point; GARCH models; MCMC; SAEM algorithm;Weighted energy functio

    A Note on Game Theoretic Approach to Detect Arbitrage Strategy: Application in the Foreign Exchange Market

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    A game theoretic approach to detect arbitrage strategy in a foreign exchange market is proposed. Five propositions are given and then the optimal arbitrage path is derived

    Simulation of optical interstellar scintillation

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    Stars twinkle because their light propagates through the atmosphere. The same phenomenon is expected on a longer time scale when the light of remote stars crosses an interstellar turbulent molecular cloud, but it has never been observed at optical wavelengths. The aim of the study described in this paper is to fully simulate the scintillation process, starting from the molecular cloud description as a fractal object, ending with the simulations of fluctuating stellar light curves. Fast Fourier transforms are first used to simulate fractal clouds. Then, the illumination pattern resulting from the crossing of background star light through these refractive clouds is calculated from a Fresnel integral that also uses fast Fourier transform techniques. Regularisation procedure and computing limitations are discussed, along with the effect of spatial and temporal coherency (source size and wavelength passband). We quantify the expected modulation index of stellar light curves as a function of the turbulence strength --characterised by the diffraction radius RdiffR_{diff}-- and the projected source size, introduce the timing aspects, and establish connections between the light curve observables and the refractive cloud. We extend our discussion to clouds with different structure functions from Kolmogorov-type turbulence. Our study confirms that current telescopes of ~4m with fast-readout, wide-field detectors have the capability of discovering the first interstellar optical scintillation effects. We also show that this effect should be unambiguously distinguished from any other type of variability through the observation of desynchronised light curves, simultaneously measured by two distant telescopes.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    A Hybrid Three Layer Architecture for Fire Agent Management in Rescue Simulation Environment

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    This paper presents a new architecture called FAIS for imple- menting intelligent agents cooperating in a special Multi Agent environ- ment, namely the RoboCup Rescue Simulation System. This is a layered architecture which is customized for solving fire extinguishing problem. Structural decision making algorithms are combined with heuristic ones in this model, so it's a hybrid architecture
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